Astera ARC3 White Remote Control - ARC3

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Astera ARC3 White Remote Control

Astera White Remote control ARC3 This remote is designed to set precise white color tones and adjust the brightness in steps of 5%. In addition, it can be used to trigger blue mode which facilitates pairing the lights to the AsteraApp.

The Astera ARC3 White Remote control is compatible with All Astera Lights

Astera ARC3 features:
• On/Off ARC3: Yes
Both remote controls ARC1 & ARC3 enable you to turn lights on and off without physically touching them

• Colors ARC3: No

• CCT ARC3: Yes
Predifined White tones can be triggered with dedicated butons in addition the color temperature can be fine adjusted

• Intensity ARC3: 10%-100% Intensity and DIM +/-
The white Remote can set intensity of the targeted lights with 5 predefined brightness levels; fine-tuning can be done with the DIM +/-

• Runtime ARC3: MAX Runtime
The FX Remote can det 3 runtime levels (5h,8h,12h) to change the lights brightness levels. the White Remote has a MAX Runtime button.

• Bluemode ARC3: Yes
Sending the Bluemode command to a light does what holding lights on/off button is doing: launcging blue-mode whicht allows app pairing. To avoid accidental triggering yhere is an additional 2/2 button to confirm the command

• Confirm Settings ARC3: Yes
Both Remote controls can be used to confirm settings that are sent by the AsteraApp without touchng the lights physically. This is great for creating groups, assigning DMX addresses and other setting

• Compatible Lights ARC3: All Astera Lights (Firmware 5.14 and later)